Amazon has released its annual list of America's most well-read cities, based on sales data of books, magazines, and newspapers in print and on the Kindle.
Cambridge, home to Harvard and MIT, dropped to second on the list after winning last year's crown.
Which city came out on top? Surprisingly not a college town, though college towns once again dominated the list.
Washington, D.C. suburb Alexandria, Va took the top spot after topping the charts in the Romance book category. If you're looking for a spare copy of 50 Shades Of Gray, Alexandria is probably the place to go.
Here are the top 20:
1. Alexandria, Va.
2. Cambridge, Mass.
3. Berkeley, Calif.
4. Ann Arbor, Mich.
5. Boulder, Colo.
6. Miami
7. Arlington, Va.
8. Gainsville, Fla.
9. Washington, D.C.
10. Salt Lake City
11. Pittsburgh
12. Knoxville, Tenn.
13. Seattle
14. Orlando, Fla.
15. Columbia, S. C.
16. Bellevue, Wash.
17. Cincinnati
18. St. Louis
19. Atlanta
20. Richmond, Va.